US-Latin America Relations: A new beginning? | IIEA
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US-Latin America Relations: A new beginning?

US President Joe Biden promised a break with Trump's policies in Latin America by putting democracy and human rights at the centre of the US agenda. In his address to the IIEA, Guillaume Long evaluates whether Biden's pledge has been met to date by exploring the first few months of the new US administration's relationship with Latin America in the context of the region's current domestic and international political tensions and crises.

Guillaume Long is currently a Senior Policy Analyst at the Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) in Washington DC. Prior to joining CEPR, Long held several cabinet positions in the government of Ecuador, including Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Culture, and Minister of Knowledge. More recently, Long served as Ecuador’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations in Geneva. Long trained as a historian and holds a Ph.D. in International Politics from the University of London. He currently teaches International Relations and Comparative Latin American Politics at Johns Hopkins University, the French-based Institut de Relations Internationales et Stratégiques (IRIS), and Sciences Po, Paris.

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