Trustworthy Transfers: The Future of Transatlantic Data Flows | IIEA
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Trustworthy Transfers: The Future of Transatlantic Data Flows

Trustworthy Transfers: The Future of Transatlantic Data Flows

Data flows play a central role in transatlantic trade but have given rise to legal controversies and challenges relating to privacy and data protection. In this event an expert panel assesses the implications of recent developments in this field and explores how any emerging new transatlantic data transfer framework can find a balance between protecting the data rights of European citizens while facilitating the economic value of data transfers. The possible strengths, challenges, weaknesses and business implications of any emerging new framework were also discussed.

This event is part of a series organised by the IIEA and the Industrial Development Authority Ireland (IDA) Ireland to explore key digital policy issues relevant to Ireland and the wider EU. 

This panel consists of:

Christopher Hoff, Assistant General Counsel for Privacy and Regulatory Affairs at Microsoft; former U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Department of Commerce

John Miller, Senior Vice President for Policy, Trust, Data, and Technology at the Information Technology Industry Council (ITI)

Anne-Marie Bohan, Head of Technology and Innovation Group at Matheson

Bruno Gencarelli, Head of Unit for International Data Flows and Protection in the European Commission.

This event was chaired by Una Fitzpatrick, Director of Technology Ireland.

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