The Zeitenwende: how Russia’s invasion of Ukraine scrambled Germany’s post-Merkel coalition | IIEA
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The Zeitenwende: How Russia’s invasion of Ukraine scrambled Germany’s post-Merkel coalition

In his address to the IIEA, Irish Times Berlin Correspondent, Derek Scally, assesses the first year in office of Germany’s "traffic light" coalition. Against a backdrop of war in Ukraine and challenges to energy security, Chancellor Scholz’s government has had to adapt its programme for government. Many ambitious plans have taken a backseat in the face of urgent policy issues. Mr Scally examines the government’s progress in responding to the unforeseen challenges presented in 2022, both from a national perspective and in its role as a leading EU member state.

About the Speaker: 

Derek Scally is a native Dubliner, who studied at Dublin City University and the Humboldt University in Berlin, where he has been Irish Times correspondent since 2001. Covering politics, business and culture, he is a regular contributor to German news outlets, including Die Zeit weekly and Deutschlandfunk/WDR radio. He reports regularly from northern Europe and is also author of “The Best Catholics in the World”, published in 2021 by Penguin.

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