The Taliban takeover of Afghanistan: Lessons learned and Future challenges | IIEA
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The Taliban takeover of Afghanistan: Lessons learned and Future challenges

In his address, Dr Edward Burke examines the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan in recent weeks. He argues that the sudden withdrawal of US troops and air power as well as a corrupt political elite laid the foundations for the Taliban’s stunning takeover of much of the country. Burke also proposes lessons that can be learned from twenty years of US and NATO occupation of Afghanistan and outlines the geopolitical implications of the withdrawal for the region.

About the Speaker:

Dr Edward Burke is an assistant professor in international relations at the University of Nottingham. His research interests include peacekeeping, stability operations, civil-military relations and the history of counter-insurgency and counter-terrorism operations. Dr Burke has spent prolonged periods researching conflicts in countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq and Yemen. From 2010 to 2011 he was Deputy Head of the International Police Coordination Board in Kabul, Afghanistan. Dr Burke has also worked as a Foreign Policy Fellow at FRIDE in Madrid and at the Centre for European Reform in London.

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