The Chinese Communist Party – The Next 100 Years | IIEA
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The Chinese Communist Party – The Next 100 Years

Martin K. Dimitrov, Professor of Political Science at Tulane University

Having celebrated its one-hundredth birthday in 2021, the durability of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) poses a twofold question: How has the party survived thus far? And, is its survival formula sustainable in the future? Professor Dimitrov examines how the CCP adapted to the shocks of 1989, the Tiananmen protests and the collapse of communism in Europe, and discusses the ongoing viability of single party rule as the CCP’s adaptability ostensibly stagnates.   

About the Speaker:

Martin K. Dimitrov is Professor of Political Science and Director of Graduate Studies at Tulane University in Louisiana, USA. His research focuses on the CCP and the politics of East Asia. He has written numerous books including, Piracy and the State: The Politics of Intellectual Property Rights in China (Cambridge University Press, 2009); Why Communism Did Not Collapse: Understanding Authoritarian Regime Resilience in Asia and Europe (Cambridge University Press, 2013); The Political Logic of Socialist Consumption (Ciela Publishers, 2018); Dictatorship and Information: Autocratic Regime Resilience in Communist Europe and China (Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2022). His new book, The Adaptability of the Chinese Communist Party, will be published by Cambridge University Press in 2022.

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