Digital Policy Diplomacy: The EU’s digital policy relationship with the United States and the digital technology sector | IIEA
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Digital Policy Diplomacy: The EU’s digital policy relationship with the United States and the digital technology sector

In September 2022 the EU opened its new office in San Francisco, California, headed by Gerard de Graaf, the new Senior Envoy for Digital to the U.S. and Silicon Valley. In his address to the IIEA, Mr de Graaf will discuss the importance of digital policy diplomacy and how the EU can engage with the U.S. and with leading digital technology companies in order to identify and address common challenges. Mr de Graaf will particularly focus on how these relationships can help contribute to the success of the EU’s Digital Services and Digital Markets Acts.

About the Speaker

Gerard de Graaf has worked for more than 30 years in the European Commission across a wide range of policy areas. Until his recent appointment, he was a director in DG CNECT, responsible for the Digital Services and Digital Markets Acts (DSA/DMA). Previously, Gerard de Graaf oversaw the EU’s telecommunications and audiovisual policy, cyber security and ICT standardisation policy. He has been co-chairing two of the EU-US Trade and Technology Council Working Groups, on greentech, and on data governance and technology platforms.

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