Completing the Banking Union: Next Steps and Challenges Ahead | IIEA
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Completing the Banking Union: Next Steps and Challenges Ahead

IIEA · Isabelle Vaillant - Completing the Banking Union: Next Steps and Challenges Ahead

In response to the global financial crisis and the euro area debt crisis, the EU introduced a series of reforms to allow for further integration of the European banking system to make it more resistant to future shocks. As the European Commission considers proposals to bring about the completion of the banking union, Isabelle Vaillant provides a regulatory perspective on the reforms that are required to complete the banking union and the potential challenges in achieving this goal in the years ahead.

About the Speaker: As Director of Prudential Regulation and Supervisory Policy, Isabelle Vaillant is responsible for delivering the EBA's prudential and resolution policy work. She is also responsible for overseeing the implementation of the standards with a view to ensuring a harmonised set of supervisory and resolution approaches across the EU. From 2011 to 2018, Ms Vaillant was responsible for the production of the EBA regulatory work. Prior to this appointment, she was Head Inspector for on-site examinations at the French Financial Markets Authority.