Brexit Brief 83 | IIEA
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Brexit Brief 83

Brexit Brief 83

This edition of the IIEA Brexit Brief outlines the developments in the negotiations between the EU and UK.  

Shortly before interruption by the COVID-19 pandemic, the two negotiating teams met in Brussels from 2 March 2020 until 5 March 2020 for the first round of negotiating talks. Each side outlined their opening positions and a number of areas of divergence were identified, including on level playing field provisions and fisheries. 

The following Thursday, 12 March 2020, the EU published its proposed draft text of an agreement with the UK. The proposals included tariff-free access to the EU market, with fines imposed for anticompetitive behaviour, and a role for the Court of Justice of the European Union in interpreting and implementing EU law. 

Brexit Brief, published by the IIEA’s UK Project Group, covers developments in the on-going debate over the UK’s vote to Leave the European Union. It is part of a wider communications programme, which will be highlighted on the Institute’s website. 

Brexit Brief 83, published by the IIEA’s UK Project Group, is published on a fortnightly basis and covers developments in the on-going debate over the UK’s vote to Leave the European Union.