Brexit Brief 82 | IIEA
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Brexit Brief 82

Brexit Brief 82

Issue 82 of the IIEA Brexit Brief details the opening of negotiations between the EU and UK on their future relationship. The first round of talks was scheduled for 2-5 March and four further rounds have been arranged (18-20 March; 6-8 April; 27-30 April; 13-16 May).   

While both sides hope to agree on the basic elements of a deal in a prompt fashion, the restricted timeframe for reaching such an agreement continues to raise concerns, and the UK Government has indicated its readiness to abandon the talks process if, in London’s judgement, insufficient progress has been made by the time of the scheduled high-level review in June 2020. Senior figures in the EU. meanwhile, remain hopeful that the UK will reconsider its approach to the negotiations, and that an extension to the transition will be considered if progress is slow. 

Brexit Brief 82, published by the IIEA’s UK Project Group, is published on a fortnightly basis and covers developments in the on-going debate over the UK’s vote to Leave the European Union.