Brexit Brief 111 | IIEA
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Brexit Brief 111

Brexit Brief 111

Northern Ireland is preparing for new leadership as the DUP and UUP confirm Edwin Poots and Doug Beattie as their respective party heads. Meanwhile, in London, Lord David Frost appeared before the Westminster European Scrutiny Committee to discuss the UK’s post-Brexit relationship with the EU thus far. In Brussels, President von der Leyen and Vice-President Šefčovič have once again reasserted that the Protocol is the only solution to preserving both the peace process and the integrity of the Single Market. This edition of the Brexit Brief covers these developments, and brings together reaction from the UK, EU and Ireland.

The Brexit Brief is written by Tony Brown, IIEA Senior Fellow, on behalf of the IIEA’s UK Expert Group.

This Brexit brief is available here.

Brexit Brief, published by the IIEA’s UK Project Group, is published on a fortnightly basis and covers developments in the on-going debate over the UK’s vote to leave the European Union.