Brexit Brief 101 | IIEA
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Brexit Brief 101

Brexit Brief 101

At 11p.m. on 31 December 2020 (London time; midnight in Brussels) the Transition Period ended and the United Kingdom finally left the European Union after almost 48 years of membership. Although a growing sense of pessimism had emerged towards the latter stages of the negotiations, a deal was nonetheless reached in late December which will provide for continuing trade and cooperation between the two sides. The agreement came too late for full scrutiny by the European Parliament before the end of the year, though it will be applied provisionally until 28 February when it is expected to be signed off by MEPs.

This edition of the Brexit Brief details these developments, and brings together relevant news, comment and other developments from across the EU and UK. The Brexit Brief is written by Tony Brown, IIEA Senior Fellow, on behalf of the IIEA’s UK Expert Group.

Brexit Brief 101, published by the IIEA’s UK Project Group, is published on a fortnightly basis and covers developments in the on-going debate over the UK’s vote to leave the European Union.